/tmp/husts.jpg BASA-JAN – BCC Innovation


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About the project

Our research project on wild edible plants is a journey towards gaining knowledge and to discover our natural surroundings.

BCCInnovation, through its initiative BCulinaryLAB, has been working since 2017 on cataloguing and documenting wild edible plants. Since then, botanists, food scientists and chefs, have worked together in establishing a common language and ongoing dialogue about the gastronomic wealth and value of wild edible plants.

Basa-Jan project explores innovative strategies to revalue the use of wild edible plants based on their technological properties and evaluate their gastronomic potential.

For example, bioactive compounds found in some specific parts of the plants, could be used for food with a technological purpose: improve appearance, texture, resistance against harmful microorganisms, nutritional properties, etcetera.

Acquiring this knowledge will let us provide innovative and sustainable solutions for the food sector.

This project is funded by the Economic Development and Infrastructures Department of the Basque Government Agriculture, Fishing and Food industry Vice-Ministry.


  • Author: BCC Innovation
  • Published Date: 2020-05-18
  • Category: RESEARCH

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