Food Champions Weekend

Within the framework of the European project WeValueFood, the Food Champions Weekend took place on November 28th, the closing event of the activities coordinated by IMDEA Food and the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM) with the Spanish Food Champions. The Food Champions who have worked with IMDEA and UAM, are young scientists from different fields…


International Conference: the impact of gastronomy on sustainability challenges

On November 19th and 20th the Basque Culinary Center and FRUTO are hosting a truly unique online event to reflect on gastronomy’s role and potential impact in terms of sustainability, and on how to involve younger generations in the much-needed transformations Open registration: During this time of such profound upheaval, the Basque Culinary Center,…


Gastronomy 360º: Four post COVID-19 scenarios

What macroeconomic scenario will we find after the first COVID-19 wave? Will the crisis come out in the form of an L, U, V or W? How will the consumer change? How will all this impact on the models of business of companies ?, what new business opportunities may arise? These are some of the…


Gonzalo D’Ambrosio visits BCC Innovation for his program on La 2 de RTVE

The well-known chef and television presenter visited us a few months ago and in this edition of “The D’Ambrosio routes” we have the pleasure of telling him from our home who we are and what we do in the 1st Technological Center in Gastronomy in the world: Vídeo aquí


Covid19 Food hygiene and safety guidelines in restaurants

To support hotel and restaurant professionals with their hygiene and safety practices in the COVID-19 situation, Araven has prepared with the collaboration of BCC Innovation five guides that focus on the importance of hygiene and food safety in this sector. Cleaning and disinfection of utensils and surfaces. Hygiene and food safety in the handling and preservation of…


Resumen de la mesa redonda online post-covid con Eroski, Mahou San Miguel, Martiko, Covap y Onnera Group

Nuestro entorno ha cambiado de forma radical en unas pocas semanas. El informe que publicó en enero el World Economic Forum clasificaba los Riesgos globales para 2020 sí identificó esta pandemia como un posible cisne negro con alto impacto, pero eso sí, de baja probabilidad. Este tsunami no nos pilla preparados y transforma nuestra sociedad y todos sus sectores. Aunque cada eslabón de la cadena de cadena de valor gastroalimentaria está surfeando la…


Entrevista en Guia Michelin China sobre fermentaciones a nuestra chef investigadora Blanca del Noval

Blanca del Noval, nuestra investigadora principal de BCulinary Lab de BCCInnovation experta en fermentaciones, recuperación del uso gastronómico de plantas silvestres y revalorización de desperdicio, despilfarro y descarte de alimentos, nos cuenta en su entrevista para la Guía Michelin China la importancia de la simbiosis entre cultura y ciencia para mantener, transmitir y reformular la memoria regional o local de…