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Legido-Quigley H., Urdaneta E., González A., La Parra D., Muntaner C., Álvarez-Dardet C., Martín-Moreno J.M., McKee M. 2013. Erosion of universal health coverage in Spain. The Lancet, 382(9909): 1977

Otaegui-Arrazola A., Amiano P., Elbusto A., Urdaneta E., Martínez-Lage P. 2014. Diet, cognition, and Alzheimer’s disease: food for thought. European Journal of Nutrition, 53(1):1-23

García Vilanova M., Díez C., Quirono B., Álava J.I. 2015. Microbiota distribution in sourdough: Influence of hight sucrose resistant strains. International Journal of Gastronomy an Food Science, 2(2):98-102

Etxeberria I., Etxeberria I., Urdaneta E., Yanguas J.J. 2015. Age differences among older adults in the use of emotion regulation strategies. What happens among over 85s an centenarians? Aging & Mental Health, 20(9):974-980

Urdaneta E., Errasti A. 2015. Proyecto SiforAGE: Trabajando en la construcción de una Europa para todas las edades. Neurama, 2(1):31-45

Fiol C., Prado D., Mora M., Álava J.I. 2016. Nettle cheese: Using nettle leaves (Urtica dioica) to coagulate milk in fresh cheese making process. International Journal of Gastronomy an Food Science, 4:19-24

Martín Gámez N., Mengual Lombar M., Carcedo I., López M.A., Álava J.I. 2016. Pathogen persistance in restaurants menus: comparison between materials. Journal of Food: Microbiology, Safety & Hygiene, 104(1):1-5

Martín Gámez N., Mengual Lombar M., Carcedo I., López M.A., Álava J.I. 2016. Accessories of food handlers and restaurants staff as a source for food contamination. Journal of Food: Microbiology, Safety & Hygiene, 105(1):1-5

Álava J.I. 2016. Protective effect of high anthocyanins content plants in cultured tomatoes. International Journal of Agriculture Innovations and Research, 5(2): 238-241

Allirot X., Da Quinta N., Chokupernal K., Urdaneta E. 2016. Involving children in cooking activities: A potential strategy for directing food choise toward novel foods containing vegetables. Appetite, 103: 275-285

Allirot X., da Quinta N., Chokupermal K., Urdaneta E. 2016. Involving children in cooking activities: A potential strategy for directing food choices toward novel foods containing vegetables. Appetite, 103:275-285

Escárcega A., Del Noval B., Prado D. 2017. El valor gastronómico de las hierbas silvestres. Saber y sabor, 165.

Allirot X., Miragall M., Perdices I., Baños R.M., Urdaneta E., Cebolla A. 2017. Effects of a brief mindful eating induction on food choices and energy intake: external eating and mindfulness state as moderators. Mindfulness. September: 1-11.

Carrion-Granda X., Fernandez-Pan I., Iñarra B., Mezquita S., Rovira J., et al. 2017. Development of whey protein isolate films incorporated with rosemary extracts to improve the microbiological quality of fresh tuna. MOJ Food Process Technol 5(2): 00123. DOI: 10.15406/mojfpt.2017.05.00123

Fiolc., Prado D., Romero C., Laburu N., Mora M., Álava J.I. 2017. Introduction of a new family of ice creams. International Journal of Gastronomy an Food Science, 7:5-10

Caraher M., Begley A., Allirot X. 2017. To cook or not to cook-waht are the barriers? British Food Journal, 119(5): 970-972

Allirot X., Maiz E., Urdaneta E. 2017. Shopping for food with children: A strategy for directing their choices toward novel foods containing vegetables. Appetite. 120: 287-296.

Mora M., Urdaneta E., Chaya C. 2018. Emotional response to wine: Sensory properties, age and gender as drivers of consumers’ preferences. Food Quality and Preference, 66, 19-28.

Carrión-Granda X., Fernández-Pan I., Rovira J., Maté J.I. 2018. Effect of antimicrobial edible coatings and modified atmosphere packaging on the microbiological quality of cold stored hake (Merluccius merluccius) fillets. Journal of Food Quality, ID 6194906, 12 pages, 2018. doi:10.1155/2018/6194906.

Mora M., Giussani B., Pagliarini E., Chaya C. 2019. Improvement of an emotional lexicon for the evaluation of beers. Food Quality and Preference, 2019, 71:158-162.

Álava Marquínez, J.I. 2018. Kitchen, the forgotten land of microbiology: who look shall find. Advances in Biotechnology and Microbiology, 9(5): june 2018. DOI: 10.19080/AIBM.2018.09.555772.