Participation in conference on Healthy and sustainable food systems
BCC Innovation physical-chemical laboratory team has participated on the 36th conference: EFFoST 2022: ‘Shaping the Production of Sustainable, Healthy Foods for the Future’ hosted by University College Dublin from 7 – 9 November in Dublin, Ireland.
Olaia Estrada, Ph.D and Ziortza Agirrezabala, researchers from our physical-chemical laboratory team, have attended to the conference presenting the following posters:
Spent Coffee grounds (SCGs): food waste or new ingredient for fermented beverages?
Authors: Blanca del Noval, Lucía Gayoso, Gorka Ortega, Shuyana Deba, Olaia Estrada
Valorization of fruit and vegetable by-products as novel ingredients towards zero waste
Authors: Shuyana Deba, Maider Zugazua, Ziortza Agirrezabala, Olaia Estrada
Gastronomy to engage citizens for a more sustainable future: Espelette pepper as a case study.
Authors: Paula Torán, Novoa S, Mora María, Agirrezabala Z, Laura Vázquez-Araújo .
Each year the European Federation of Food Science and Technology (EFFoST) organises this prestigious academic food science and technology conference. Join world-renowned researchers, scientists, policy makers, professionals and students from multidisciplinary food-related fields to share the latest developments and create new partnerships.